It is truly amazing when …

the person you aspire to be or have inspired you, find you inspiring. What? Seriously? Yes I am serious. Lorraine Riva whose blog I read religiously, and I consider as celebrity blogger gave me Inspiring Blogger Award. Amazing right? So a big THANK YOU to you Mba Lorraine.


For those who are new to blogging, these blogger awards usually comes with rules, if you choose to accept it. Here they are for this one.

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Display the award on your post.
  • List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
  • Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post.
  • Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog, whether on your side bar, ABOUT page, or a special page for awards.

7 Things about myself:

  1. Lately I have re-read the book Enders Game by Orson Card more than 7 times. I am not sure why. If you have watched the film, you might hear this before ‘The book is so much better than the film’. If you have not watched the film. DON’T, read the book instead. This book was written in 1985, it already talked about the impact of internet, and strategic ways of surviving.
  2. One of my places of work is a library, but I still buy books, have a big pile of need to be read books
  3. Collect fabric and patterns but never sew them into anything.
  4. Although I go on about pretty things, function over aesthetic. Function wins all the time, but ultimately of course functional and beautiful things are the best. Like: I don’t care what my car is as long as it runs & has a radio.
  5. I am very impatient
  6. I don’t believe in the saying ‘Don’t fix what is not broken’ which is usually used when people are saying ‘ this is how it works for years, why are we changing it?’ If this is the case no progress can be made in human history at all. No phones, and no cars, horses drawn carriages works fine right? it transports people faster than people walking. I think we can always strive to make things better.
  7. I can’t concentrate in a meeting without doodling

I am changing the rule of no.5, instead of 15 bloggers who are very inspiring to me, because I have mentioned them before,Β I want to introduce, tag and award bloggers I have recently followed with Liebster Award and am enjoying their updates:

Liebster award Button

And for those I tagged, you can either nominate people for Very Inspiring Blogger Award or Liebster Award, or just ignore this. πŸ™‚ this is just for fun. πŸ™‚

I hope I don’t get cursed by the goddess of bloggers, for changing the award button (there are a few different ones online anyway), and responding to one blog award with another. *scared.

Thank you all. xx